Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Primer for Obama's Amerika

Be prepared.
Here's some helpful information, in both text and audio-book form, from Internet Archive (with special thanks to Diana Hamilton).

Listen here to what that Obammunist said in his commencement address from Wesleyan University (the Berkeley of Connecticut).You can hear the millionaire tell you that "your individual wants and needs must take a back seat to 'hitching your wagon to something larger than yourself'."
Had enough?
Here, Mark Levin explains how Barry is merely a continuation and culmination of 'creeping socialism'.
Is anyone familiar with the term Barracks Communism coined by Karl Marx?
I suppose if Karl was one of the Marx brothers, they would have called him Pinko.

Finally, here's an ode to Barack Hussein's supporters from Chimpsy's Real American.
"a liberal shit-storm on the horizon..."

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