Sunday, July 13, 2008

Karl Schwendler

... aka Charlie and his Orchestra (also referred to as the "Templin band" and "Bruno and His Swinging Tigers") were a German swing band that played Nazi propaganda to England (and north America by way of short wave radio).
The American swing and popular British songs were initially performed true to the original, until about the second or third stanza where pro-German lyrics and monologues would be introduced. The idea was to lure the masses in with the irresistible tonic of swing music and then slyly work in the anti-Jewish, American and British lyrics.
The broadcasts of Charlie and His Orchestra were not available in the Fatherland proper, but that only enhanced their legend, and they picked up an underground following in Germany as well.
Hitler outlawed popular music in Germany and made these popular songs for his enemies who enjoyed these as comedy. Anecdotal accounts indicate that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill enjoyed the broadcasts, finding the lyrics hilarious.

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