Tuesday, September 30, 2008

(S)Election '08: The Debates Begin

I've remained silent, thus far, about last weeks presidential debate.
I'll now link to some coverage of that train wreck. I refer to it as such, because I found it painful to view, yet watched anyway with that same type of morbid curiosity.

May I also note the conspicuous absence of coverage from two of my politically, outspoken peers.

I'll begin with funnyman Jackie Mason.No one is laughing as this comedian reports succinctly on the event.He points out that Obama's "I voted against the war" declaration would have come at a time when he was not yet in the senate.

"Although neither candidate had a clear victory Friday night, the media is saying Obama won because he didn't lose. He looked poised and presidential. Well he did look poised as he made no sense! And if looking Presidential is telling bold lies, then Hail to the Chief!"

Next up,from the blogosphere is Alfred's coverage and his summation.

Finally, The Red State Update boys inject a bit of levity with their latest vlog in anticipation of the upcoming VP debate, which they also liken to a train wreck--with "trains full o' drunk clowns ridin' talkin' ponies..." This video is very funny, a must-see.
Palin-Biden Debate (In Anticipation Of)

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